The Building Give Haunting Performance Of ‘Warning’ on ‘World Café’

The War On Drugs guitarist Anthony LaMarca brought his side project, The Building, to NPR’s World Café and gave a stellar live performance of the song “Warning” off the band’s sophomore album PETRA

“To begin to explain what PETRA is, we have to go back a few years to when my wife and I moved back to Youngstown, Ohio, where I’m from,” explained LaMarca in a statement. “It’s around this time that we got a dog, a German Shepherd. My wife had wanted a dog more than anything since she was born. She waited thirty years and finally came Petra, our dog. She named her Petra because the name means ‘rock.’ We needed a rock.  We needed grounding. Petra held us together.”

Shot at WXPN Studios in Philadelphia, LaMarca led the haunting appearance with the assistance of his Gretsch G6118T-60 Vintage Edition ’60 Anniversary.

Watch The Building’s full performance of “Warning” below, and follow the band here for more music announcements.